Monday, 10 March 2014


It's all good and well to bathe in your feelings every so often. But like most things, there will come a time when enough is enough. I feel like I'm entering a new phase of my life where every morning I'll need a steaming hot cup of 'toughen up'. I need to keep moving forward, pressing on, and over coming any challenge that makes its way into my day. And what says 'bring it on' more than a pair of leather, combat boots, and a bold, monochrome print. 

Wearing: Cameo t-shirt, Sabo Skirt shorts, Equip necklace, and Roc boots

Photos by Annisa


  1. Super cool pics, they are very nice!!
    And your outfit it’s cool too

  2. Cute top. It could be very versatile. You could dress it up and wear it to work too.
    come check it out sometime


Thanks for your comment. You just made my day. Remember to leave a link to your blog so I can check it out. Cheers.