Monday, 20 October 2014


Apologies for the two week hiatus. Things have been a little trying. Exhaustion levels are high. As are frustration and tiredness. I hate to complain because I know there are other people in more difficult situations, but I only have my own experiences to go off. And recently everything seems to come with a side of sadness. While I won't go into specifics- do I ever?- I am trying to get my groove back. When I think groove, I think of the seventies. And so here is my take on a chic, seventies inspired outfit.

Sabo Skirt Top | Asos Pants | Senso Heels

1 comment:

  1. Eeeeep! Those pants! I've been eyeing those for a while everytime I scrolled down on ASOS. You abso nailed this look babe!


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