Friday, 31 August 2012


With weather like this, it may as well be summer. Don't get me wrong. I love summer. I just miss not having a proper spring. I'll tell you a little about the love affair I have with the transitional seasons. I can wear shorts and skirts with wooly jumpers and jackets. I can alternate between sandals and boots. The days are warm enough to go out and explore the world, but the evenings are crisp and are mostly spent snuggled up on the couch. Sure, it's a fleeting couple of weeks. Brief. Short. Quick. But that doesn't make it any less 'real'. Anyway, my point being... That didn't happen this year. Sad face.

And so here I am. Wearing an outfit that couldn't be any more 'summer', from the colours -blue, green, orange- to the fit- boxy and casual. Before you begin to freak out, "Oh, this isn't Izzy's normal style" (if I even have a 'normal' style), I have managed to incorporate spikes. Ahhh familiarity. So here's to summer. May it be full of clashing colours, towering shoes, short shorts and deadly accessories. (And hopefully a tan.)

 Top: Charcoal
Shorts: To Love Kuvaa from Asos
Shoes: Windsor Smith
Necklace: eBay


Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Velvet and pleats. Leather and spikes. Sounding all too familiar? When things get busy and deadlines draw near, I look for solace in my creature comforts. As soon as things get hectic, out come my staples. My 'go-to's give me one less decision to make in a day.

They're nothing special. And they're not pretending to be. They get the job of looking 'dressed' done, without making a fuss. But, as with any outfit, I need a twist. A lemon/lime twist to be precise. This neon skirt (which, like the sun you can't look directly into) has got me dreaming of the summer time. But as Australia waves goodbye to winter this week, maybe it won't be too long before my neon dreams become reality. 

Top: Romwe
Skirt: Blurr
Necklace: ebay
Shoes: JC Lita
Rings: Assorted shops/markets 

One last thing. My sister recently posted her first outfit post over on Lookbook. It would mean a lot if you could show her some love by hyping her look. She is, after all, the reason why I have such wicked photographs. Cheers guys.


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Tumbling IV

Some mid-week inspiration that has me nostalgic for the 80s and 90s effortless style. I'm talking old "skool kool".

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Soul Sister Jane

Now I like a lot of brands. But I only LOVE a few. Recently, I have found a new love, and now I'm beginning to wonder how I didn't find it sooner. Ladies and gentlemen (although you are probably already acquainted) allow me to introduce Sister Jane.

This new love isn't one that's been 'taken slow'. I have fallen at first sight. Hard. I can't stop raving. I want every piece. But it's more than just an appreciation for creative, stylish, and tasteful clothing, because I stumble across many 'amazing' pieces in hours of trolling tumblr researching. It's that these are clothes I can actually see me wearing. And not just for those 'going out' nights, where you wear your 'good clothes'. No. I could wear these everyday. Maybe one day, finances permitting, some of these might work their way into my everyday.

Sure, I understand that florals and studs can be seen as 'right now' trend, and you may not be willing to invest in something that isn't 'cool' this time next year. So below are a few tops that I believe have a better chance of standing 'the test of time' while still being urgh hate myself for typing this 'so hot right now'. 
Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Galaxy Collar, Patterned Collar, Peter Pan Collar

L-R: Studded CollarGalaxy CollarLeather Collar

Come on 'Soul Sisters Jane', we all need a LBD with a twist. Right?

Thursday, 16 August 2012


I do all I can to avoid the mornings. It's not that I hate early a.m starts. It's that I love late nights. And yet today I find myself up with the sunrise. But like those friends you only hang out with once a year, it had me thinking, "Why don't I do this more often?"

The softness of day break is reflected in my pastel colours. Being so early I couldn't wear my usual 'downtown-esque' style that you've seen here before. No pleather, no velvet, nothing tight. It just wouldn't feel right. It's easy, it's simple, it's comfortable. But as sit here now, lounging on my bed, and look back on the day that was, my answer to the question above has never been so clear... because early mornings make me so tired! Back to being nocturnal.

Jumper: Ally
Scarf: Asos
Skirt: Avocado
Boots: Roc
Sunglasses: Ray Ban


Monday, 13 August 2012

Tumbling III

With the Olympics all wrapped up, I couldn't help but get nostalgic already. I've never been much of a sport person, but for some reason this year I was consumed by it. Thanks Jack. I'll miss the sleepless nights.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Fashion Blogger Revealed

Want to know a little bit more about me? Well you can if you toddle over to Fashion Blogger Revealed right now. I was flattered to be asked to be a part of Fashion Blogger Revealed. I love reading the responses of some of my favourite (and very well known) fashion bloggers. Seriously, they have pretty much everyone covered. It's amazing.
Click here to go directly to my question and answer.
Click here to go randomly to any one of the 162 interviews with different fashion bloggers.

And just so you have something pretty (well, that's debatable) to look at, here's one I didn't show you. A little something from the cutting room floor of Mint Condition.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Studded Swagger

Is there anything cooler than leather and studs? Nope. Especially not when they're in the form of a killer ankle boot. I am a big fan of versatility and cross-seasonal items, so ankle boots are my dream shoe. Wear them in winter with jeans or leggings, then in summer with shorts or a super girly dress (if you're game enough). Below are my favourites, sure to add edge to any outfit. With any of these on my feet I'd be strutting around with more swagger than Jagger.

Studded Ankle Boots

Jeffrey Campbell boots, 305 AUD / Western boots, 245 AUD / Cowgirl boots, 170 AUD / Jeffrey Campbell studded boots, 245 AUD / Chloé buckle boots, 1 260 AUD / Zara studded boots, 180 AUD

Thursday, 9 August 2012


Pop. Pop. Pop. Pastel colour block. Pink, blue, yellow, purple. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love all pastel colours. I think it's safe to say this shirt was made for me. Something about the colours make me feel young (and make me act childish), so I had to team it with black to make it feel more sophisticated.  

The fear of sheer. Now, typically I don't know how to style sheer, chiffon tops. More coverage for modesty or just the 'bare essentials'? Bra or singlet, the ultimate conundrum. For a 'day look' I would opt for the singlet, but the tendency for it to gather and lump under the shirt leaving an unflattering silhouette made the bra option more appealing for this 'going out look'. And by choosing the bra, I needed to employ my highest waisted leggings to cover as much skin as possible. It's about finding a balance. Ladies, you no longer have to fear the sheer. 

Top: Reverse
Leggings: River Island
Necklace: Boutique
Shoes: JC Lita


Sunday, 5 August 2012

Tumbling II

A big fat thank you is in order. I've reached some pretty cool milestones, well at least for me they're milestons. Over 2500 karma on Lookbook. Over 200 Lookbook fans. Over 1500 views of my blog. And of course my growing number of followers. I can't tell you how stoked I am that people hype my looks and visit my blog. I say 'people' but I really mean you. So thank you. I am drunk on happiness.
So to round up the weekend here are some pictures that I hope will bring you some happiness too.